Hiking Vegas

Mark Scott received an invite from Chuck Parisi to come hiking with him. He’s in Vegas and it was a perfect time for both of us to get out of town and see some new trails.

The plan was to leave at 5am Thursday morning and as I approached the security gate to Mark’s mobile home park, I was greeted by a guy yelling, “Are you following me? Are you following me?” Luckily, the car behind opened the gate before I had to punch in the code, or there might have been a confrontation.

I decided to take an unfamiliar route to Vegas through the Mojave National Preserve. After passing through Twenty Nine Palms, it was a desolate drive. A real eye-opener, but we’re both glad we did.

Day one: Chuck took us on the Lone Mountain Loop Trail (a bunny slope) then we added some severity. It was a good workout.  Of course, he had to stop for a call along the way.

Mark and Chuck hiking Las vegas

Chuck started hiking after following my blog. Now he’s hooked. Smile

We ate at Dirt Dog for lunch. Chuck abstained and Mark got my dog and me his. They were both excellent none the less.

Chuck called Dan cannon (aka “Book ‘em Danno” from Hawaii Five-O) It was great hearing his voiced and we all reminisced about caddie days past.

Steaks were on the dinner menu for me and Mark. Chuck had chicken burgers. We sat around the dinner table telling caddie stories afterward. It was a laugh a minute.

Day two: We hiked the five-mile Buckskin Cliff Shadows Trail early in the morning. The boys were pooped afterward, but I was only getting warmed up.Smile

Mark and Larry on the trail

For dinner, Chuck whipped up some pasta topped with his mom’s spaghetti sauce. Perfect! Be honest, you thought this was Patty Sheehan at first glance.

Chuck Parisi cooking pasta

Later, he took us on a tour of The Strip. What a ghost town. It has been taken over by bicyclists and skateboarders.

Empty Las Vegas Strip counts losses as locals venture out

Las Vegas 2020

Day three: Hiked part of the Flagpole Loop Trail. After a miscue at the start, we found the correct path. It was the best so far.

Chuck and Mark climbing Flagpole Loop Trail

Well worth the climb. This is the photo Chuck wants on his tombstone.

Chuck and Mark taking it all in

All smiles before the pain sets in.Smile Chuck Mark and Larry selfie hiking

Vegas salons are opening by appointment only and Chuck got on the list for 3pm. Good thing too.

Day four: Heading home this morning. It was a fantastic stay. Great hiking and hilarious tour tales. Hope to do it again.

4 Responses to Hiking Vegas

  1. Richard says:

    Well done, good photos. Tell Patty I said hi!

  2. ozz says:

    Chuck looks well. That’s the most hair I have ever seen on him, no wonder he’s booked in for a haircut. Great pics.

  3. Roy Smith says:

    Good to see photos and names of many of the guys and gals Sammy and I got to know during the DuPont CC LPGA tournaments. Hard to believe that began nearly 35 years ago.

  4. Joanne says:

    Great Photos hope your all well.

    All the best

    Little Jo xx

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